Big Hot Dog Blog || Page 3
*** IRON & WINE - FREE SHOW IN CHICAGO *** Tonight Iron & Wine will be playing a free show in Millenium Park at the Pritzker Pavilion. Big Hot Dog will be present to partake in celebrating the start of summer. Grab your significant other, a blanket, some wine/beer and some dinner (we prefer hot dogs). It's good to live here in Chicago! Duane Kim Baldwin 2011-06-06 14:00:54 *** ROYAL WEDDING GOES OFF WITHOUT A HITCH *** Congratulations to Kate Middleton and Prince William on their big day - the biggest wedding in the history of weddings (at least here in the United States) since any of the Disney movies that involved weddings. This was truly an event people are pretty involved with - seeing as my blog dashboard is flooding with people's parties they threw for their friends before dawn, this has to rank up there with the Super Bowl, Christmas Eve, and maybe even Harry Potter.
The best thing about the wedding pictures I've been filtering through have been the hats! What are those things? They are pretty crazy in design! I hope that when Prince Henry gets married, Lady Everetee Bumkin from Astonia (totally made up) calls us here at Big Hot Dog and wants us to fashion a 7lb wiener to her hat...I don't think it would be too far of a stretch from what I saw today. Anyway, congrats to the British! May your Prince's continue to marry incredible hot woman - regardless of how bald you are becoming.
Duane Kim Baldwin 2011-04-29 12:27:52 *** Charlie Sheen Humbled by Detroit? *** Charlie Sheen was booed off stage at The Fox Theatre in Detroit. His one man show entitled "Violent Torpedo of Truth/ Defeat Is Not An Option" did not go over so well as people were chanting "refund" after the show.
This tickles me a bit, no only because I'm from Detroit but because it shows that a giant ego can take you places, but it won't get you through Detroit. After all, we have Eminem to back us up. Duane Kim Baldwin 2011-04-05 15:14:15
Big Hot Dog Blog || Page 3