Big Hot Dog Blog || Page 9
*** Third Batman Called... *** Dark Knight Rises will be the title of Christopher Nolan's highly successful Barman series. I'm a huge fan of the previous films and so are the billion people who paid to go see them. I really enjoyed seeing in the film shots of Chicago and familiar landmarks.
There is no word on who the villain is going to be this time around. It will be a hard act to follow Heath Ledger as The Joker but I'm hopeful of really great acting in a popular blockbuster film again. Who do you want to see as a villain this time around? Duane Kim Baldwin 2010-10-27 11:16:31 *** MO MONEY MO PROBLEMS? *** Charlie Sheen is the big story today. He was found drunk and naked in a New York hotel room. Oh and I almost forgot that the hotel room he was in was trashed. I was thinking/wondering if people's problems were multiplied by how famous the are. I guess in some cases there are some ridiculous celebrities who we can shake our heads at in embarrass but at the same time we have our own issues. If I was found drunk and naked I think most of my friends would laugh and that would be the end of it. "What a crazy night!"
I think sometimes we need to give some of these celebrities a break. Whether they die suddenly much like the World Cup Octopus, or someone has Beiber Fever, or maybe they have an obsession with The Rocky Horror Picture Show, we can all agree that we all have stuff we need to deal with sometimes. Duane Kim Baldwin 2010-10-26 14:55:30 *** My Kind of (losing) Town - Chicago *** I'm constantly reminded on how big of a sports town Chicago is. Not only are sports the top stories for the area over the weekend in the papers, but my New Twitter feed is all about the past weekends top play-makers in Chicago. Unfortunately for Chicago sports fans, the play-makers were for the visiting teams...
The Chicago Bears game against the Washington Redskins was an interesting game to watch. Jay Cutler was in a fortunate and giving mood as he tossed three interceptions to DeAngelo Hall. Chicago may have been better keeping Kyle Orton as their starting quarterback. I have to say that it was quite possibly one of the more boring games to watch because the entire Bears offense was unable to move the ball. At least it was a good Homecoming weekend for Chicago native Donovan McNabb.
Sunday Night Football's nationally televised game between the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings was the type of exciting game I wish every game was like. It went down to the last second as Brett Favre BLEW it! I smiled in satisfaction and went to bed with an easy mind...I think Chicago's obsession with sports is rubbing off on me... Duane Kim Baldwin 2010-10-25 10:45:57
Big Hot Dog Blog || Page 9